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Release plan


v.2.10.5 18 July 2024


  • Promotion of configuration to multiple servers
  • Updated translations for es_GT for Panama CPIMS+
  • New location labels


  • Export forms configuration in settings for Jordan TSFV
  • Resolved ansible deploy for docker-run databases

v.2.10.3 16 May 2024


  • Users can now link a Case to one or more Incidents from the Incidents list and Incidents display page
  • Custom UI and Themes: can set login button colour
  • Security: API requests are now limited to a maximum of 1,000 records


  • Sorting for "Available Offline"
  • Clear the value of the "Agency Office" field on user accounts

v. 18 April 2024


  • New CP Insights: Workflow (Cases), Protection Concerns, Follow Ups, Services and Reporting Location for CPIMS+
  • Customizable styling for demo sites
  • Superusers can manage MRM Code of Conduct for MRMIMS+
  • Updated developer resources: -- Updated documentation for pulling translations from Transifex -- Improved configuration loading for Tier 4 -- Upgraded to Docker Compose v2 for Tier 4 and self-hosted instances


  • Users are able to delete attachments if they have reached the 100 attachment maximum per case
  • Fixed Tracing Request date filter Improved user experience for CPIMS+
  • Fixed permission for “Shared from my team” dashboard for CPIMS+

v. 28 March 2024


  • Updated UI for users who are and are not using push notifications and users can now choose which types of email and push notifications they receive
  • New "Verify" feature for violations for MRMIMS+
  • New MRM Code of Conduct for MRMIMS+
  • Updated Armed Group options for MRMIMS+
  • Keycloak IDP works with MSAL v2
  • Patch updates for Dependabot and Docker Scout
  • Patch update for Nokogiri
  • Patch updates for NPM packages: follow-redirects and webpack-dev-middleware


  • "New Incident" alert re-appearing on Cases' "Incident" form for CPIMS+ and GBVIMS+
  • When changing languages in the language toggle, it properly updates the list headers to the selected language

v.2.10.0 7 March 2024


  • Assigning Incidents: -- Users can assign Incidents which are not linked to a case -- Users can assign up to 100 incidents at 1 time from the Incidents list
  • Updated labels on Transfers and Assignments to be more accurate and clearer
  • New permission which allows users to resolve any flag, regardless of whether or not they created the flag
  • Field/Case/Social Worker filter now appears as a searchable and multi-select field in the Case List view
  • Field/Case/Social Worker filter options appear in alphabetical order
  • Users filtering by Field/Case/Social Worker can now choose whether or not they see disabled Users as filter options


  • Pagination of configurations to ensure administrators can apply previous configuration without error

v.2.9.3 22 February 2024


  • Referral Enhancements -- When a user selects a value for “Type of Referral” it restricts the fields which the recipient can export -- When a user selects a value for “Type of Referral” it restricts the forms which the recipient can access (e.g. “Incidents” and “Tracing Summary”).
  • Family Linkages and improvement made to the Family Details slider
  • Custom Palettes: can now customize which logo appears on push notifications.
  • New role: “MRM Technical Co-Chair & User Manager.” for MRMIMS+
  • DAO: updated documentation on how to contribute to Primero's open source


  • No longer showing disabled users as an option when referring or transferring a case
  • Fixed issues with the My Account page on Apple devices
  • Improvements to attachment access restrictions where only users with access to a case can view, add, delete an attachment and users with access to view-only can only view the attachment and photo in the case list
  • Agency Administrators and User Managers can no longer add users to other teams’ User Groups

v.2.9.2 16 January 2024


  • Push notifications
    • Notifications toggle now works immediately after enabling notifications for my account
    • Approval-related notifications no longer include non-translated text
  • Primero referral enhancements
    • (from QA) Specifying type of referral now restricts recipients’ ability to delete sub forms
  • Branding features
    • fixing to styling on demo sites and improved themes


  • Fixed bug that was force-closing the PWA in offline mode and causing the app to crash.

v.2.9 14 December 2023


  • New features related to referrals that allow users to indicate “type of referral”
    • Users referring a case can specify a “Type of Referral” to limit the recipient’s form access.
    • Referral recipients can view/edit a limited set of forms, depending on the “Type of Referral.”
    • Administrators can configure which Roles get included as options for the “Type of Referral” field.
  • Primero custom palettes *New Primero instances can be set to have a custom style palette.


  • Fixed bug related to identity users no longer get an error when signing out.

v.2.8.1 23 November 2023


  • Managers can assign multiple Cases at once from the Case List
  • Users see an alert on the Referrals form when there is a new Referral.
  • Users see an alert on the Transfers and Assignments form when there is a new Transfer.
  • Managers cannot approve a form for which the social worker has not requested approval.


  • TSFV - Fixed missing translations in the Activity Log.
  • Added missing permission tooltip translations to the Role editor.
  • Global Horizontal Note Insight no longer counts “Late Verified” Violations in the “Verified Information - Violations” sub-report. (MRMIMS+ only)

v.2.8.0 16 November 2023


  • Family Linkages for CPIMS+ (developers can enable by request, note configuration of family linkages appears for all system administrators):
    • On the navigation, you can see “Family” record
    • Users can create, view, export, mark for offline, search, flag and update “Family” records
    • Users can create a case for a family member either through the “Case” or the “Family” record
    • “Family” records can be linked and unlinked to a Case
    • “Family Details” forms appear as a slider on cases
    • Specific fields updated in the Family record or the Case record will update all linked records (see user guide)
    • All updates are tracked within the change log
    • Administrators can access default forms and roles through the system settings
  • Push Notifications (developers can enable by request):
    • Push notifications are available for users who have been assigned a case; users who have been referred a case; users who have been transferred a case; users who have received a transfer request; manager of user who has sent an approval request; record owner of case who has received an approval response from their supervisor
    • Users can set on their profile if they would like to receive push notifications
    • Users can choose if their current device receives push notifications
  • Alerts and email notifications when updates are made by a service provider or when a case is updated by another user sharing the same case and users are able to remove alerts (developers can enable by request and require a list of forms would trigger alerts when updated by someone who does not own the case record)


  • Users saving a case are no longer redirected to the Child’s Details form for CPIMS+
  • Able to change date filters without errors in Insights for CPIMS+ and GBVIMS+
  • Date formats now are consistent in Insights and List views for CPIMS+ and GBVIMS+
  • More helpful warning message appears when user has been logged out while Primero window was minimized
  • Navigation improvements for mobile screen sizes including language toggle on login page
  • Automatic SOLR restarts when an error appears

v.2.7.1 26 October 2023


  • Global Horizontal Note Insight for MRMIMS+
  • Reloading the page when using the progressive web application on mobile no longer causes errors
  • Screen no longer shifts up or down when the on-screen keyboard opens when using the progressive web application on mobile
  • Users are able to more easily select options from dropdowns and multi-select dropdown fields when using the progressive web application on mobile
  • Developer fix for scheduled background jobs were running multiple times
  • Developer fix for redirection URLs for MSAL are no longer hard coded
  • Developer fix updated NPM packages to resolve security warnings
  • Developer fix for tests were running out of memory

v.2.7.0 14 September 2023


  • New Insights: Cases by age, sex, and workflow status; Incidents by age, sex, and workflow status; Referrals and transfers by user group; Incidents by Type of Violence; Cases by Type of Violence
  • Permissions to let roles see Insights data at a specific level (ie. all records in my agency, all records in my groups)
  • Upgraded Ruby to 3.2.2
  • Upgraded Rails, Puma webserver, and ActiveSupport


  • Fixed an issue where users with only Report group-read permission were getting no report data. These users can now see information in the reports which correctly reflects their groups' records.

v.2.6.2 10 August 2023


  • Upgrading dependencies in SOLR and Rails
  • Reducing pod memory usage for all Primero instances on UNICEF hosting
  • Fixed some automated tests which were breaking builds
  • Improving developer tools which reset site configurations Fixes:
  • Users had reported getting logged out at random times (note: this had prevented users from being able to save their attachments)

v.2.6.1 22 June 2023


  • Security: Updating dependencies with security vulnerabilities and fixes to mitigate potential SQL and template injection
  • Infrastructure: Automated testing improvements
  • Infrastructure: Tools to minimize response time when instances need to be restarted
  • Infrastructure: devops engineers can now see Primero audit logs information when diagnosing issues on a server
  • Infrastructure: made important v2.6.0.2 data migrations accessible to developers Fixes:
  • Able to disable locations
  • Admins can now translate locked lookups
  • Resolved consistency issues with date filters on the Case List
  • Updated application string translations, including for Kurdish
  • Fixed issue with reporting on some fields created in the form editor

v2.6.0.1/v. 25 May 2023


  • Updated all application string translations for modules using Arabic (ar), French (fr), Spanish (es), Spanish (es_GT), Romanian (ro)
  • Tier 4: loading configuration resolutions for production sites for CPIMS+ Eswatini, Romania, and Thailand Fixed:
  • Reports including date and date-time fields in reports no longer causes errors for CPIMS+ users including Kakuma CPIMS+
  • Reports on the workflow field for CPIMS+ Users
  • Searching from search or create modal now shows you both open and closed cases for CPIMS+ Users
  • Administrators can again change field names in the form editor
  • TSFV - Fixed issue with alerts not appearing on Cases with duplicate National ID values

v2.6.0 11 May 2023


  • Offline Mode: Users can now search for cases “marked for offline” by name and ID fields while offline
  • Offline Mode: Offline users can now move through multiple pages of results in the cases list
  • Reports: Administrators can now report on date and date-time fields – what this means is that you can create a report, by row or column, and add any date fields and they will appear by year, month, week, day in the report
  • Reports: Improved performance for complex reports
  • Reports: We created a new "Follow Up Status" field to track the status of a case's Follow Ups – this needs to be requested to turn on for your implementation. Please reach out if needed
  • Reports: Able to set report filters with the "User Groups of record owner" field
  • New location types: "Parish", "Cercle" and "Sub-county"
  • Performance: Improved speeds and reliability for large CSV and Excel-based exports
  • Performance: Reduced loading times on login due to downloading of agencies' logos
  • Performance: Reduced loading times when saving a case
  • Infrastructure and security: Updating dependency versions, including Python, Ansible, Node.JS, PostgreSQL, and Nokogiri
  • Infrastructure and security: Invalid routes now automatically provide a 404 response


  • Creating cases via the API no longer allows you to create two with the same "Case ID." Including for CPIMS+ Cambodia and OpenFn
  • Deleted services and follow ups no longer appear in reports
  • Any “Follow Up” reports are accurate now
  • User groups and agencies are properly updating across the system once updated on the user profile
  • Users searching for a case before creating one now see search results including both closed and open cases
  • "Urgent Protection Concern?" filter now shows the correct cases including CPIMS+ Gambella
  • When new users login, the Code of Conduct modal now appears in the center of the screen, not at the bottom
  • Resolved consistency issues with configuration versions when promoting between demo and production sites.
  • Resolved issues with Bangla welcome email translations

v2.5.7.2 10 March 2023

Fixes only for Tier 4:

  • Fixing Nginx not serving files for Certbot verification to ensure Certbox can issue certs
  • Implement Dev-Sec Ansible Roles
  • Ansible - Secure local.env secrets where they are changing the permission settings: local.env. should only be read/write by owner (no group or world_; after security playbook run, sudo is needed to read local.env file. Sudo is missing from a few task where the local.env is being used.

v2.5.7.1 9 March 2023


  • Disabled users do not receive notification emails for referrals, approvals, transfers or to be welcomed to the system
  • Resolved KPIs/Pulse issues for GBVIMS+

v2.5.7 9 March 2023


  • Users can now filter “Individual Children Insight” by Date of Report and Date of Verification for MRMIMS+ Users
  • Added Turkish locale for all modules
  • Logging origin IP addresses in Rails log
  • Updated security settings for Ansible provisioning
  • Updates to validations for identity users for Romania implementation


  • Managers can receive referrals and can accept and reject referrals without any errors for CPIMS+ users
  • Users adding services to another user’s case (Add Service Provision) can specify agency for CPIMS+ Users including Kakuma CPIMS+
  • Improved performance and fixed the delays when users try and select the Recipient fields in the “Services” subform, as well as in the “Refer” and “Transfer” actions for CPIMS+ Users including Bangladesh CPIMS+
  • System administrators can change the name, form group, and order of system-generated forms such as the Incidents, Referrals, Change Log, etc.
  • Fixed issue where field names disappear in row and columns in the reports editor when using “Current Location” instead of “Current Location (District)” or “Current Location (County)”
  • When selecting “Clear” on the filters and or “X” in search bar, all filters or search results are cleared

v2.5.6 2 March 2023


  • Fixed error when creating a report with the filter "Status is Open, Closed”
  • Excel export's Case Plan tab no longer has data in the wrong columns
  • Approval request email notifications enabled
  • Users adding services to another user’s case (Add Service Provision) can specify agency Improved user experience
  • GBV IR export now exports to the user’s current language for GBVIMS+ Users
  • Updates to Keycloak identity provider; no impact on users, for Romania CPIMS+ Tier 4

v2.5.5 12 February 2023


  • Clicking the save button multiple times in offline mode no longer creates duplicate cases
  • Fixed issue where some users cannot save information for the name, age, and sex fields on Cases
  • Incidents form no longer appears in both identification/registration form group and under record information and is only in 1 form group place when configured for CPIMS+ Users
  • Selecting the Protection Concerns dashboard and then selecting to the next page of results no longer results in an error for CPIMS+ Users
  • Closed Cases get reopened when a user adds a Service or Incident to them from the search results page for CPIMS+ Users for CPIMS+ Users
  • Supervisors can request transfers for Cases again for CPIMS+ Users
  • Managers can click on the “Overdue” row of the "Cases to Assign" dashboard again for CPIMS+ Users
  • Late verification filter now accounts for Incidents which occurred over a date range for MRMIMS+ Users
  • Locked some lookups related to skip logic for MRMIMS+ Users
  • Administrators can temporarily remove skip logic conditions by un-checking the “Skip Logic” box.
  • Fixed issue related to skip logic getting removed when an administrator adds fields to a form
  • Administrators are no longer able to apply configurations created on future versions of Primero
  • Administrators are again able to manage unique options for radio buttons and select dropdowns
  • Dependency fixes and security upgrades for Tier 4 deployments
  • Updated Transifex API version
  • Added support for self-hosted AD/Keycloak identity

v2.5.4 12 January 2023


  • Skip logic to new fields
  • Locked lookups to prevent changes and made miscellaneous MRM configuration changes for MRMIMS+ Administrators
  • Updated supported storage providers for CPIMS+ Romania
  • Removed “assign” from case list for CPIMS+ users
  • “Closed this week” and “Closed last week” in Cases by Location dashboard for CPIMS+ users
  • Managers editing reports no longer add their own user group as a filter for CPIMS+ users
  • Fixed editing report filters for CPIMS+ users
  • Duplicate export includes records whose IDs have dashes for CPIMS+ users
  • GBV Monitoring and Evaluation form in Transifex for GBVIMS+ users
  • Fixed authentication issues with some single-sign on providers
  • Minor performance improvements

v2.5.3.1 8 December 2022


  • Nightly update for ages no longer re-opens closed cases
  • Agency logos appearing on implementations with single-sign on enabled
  • Updated wording in the “Visibility” section of the form editor for forms or fields to be more clear
  • Security updates

v2.5.3 31 November 2022


  • Skip logic: Administrators can set conditions for fields on forms and fields Fixes:
  • In the IR export, the fields “Is the Survivor a Person with Disabilities?” and “Has the client had any previous incidents of GBV perpetrated against them?” are exported correctly for GBV Administrators
  • Locations dropdowns and filters only display the admin level used for their reporting location for all users including CPIMS+ Iraq
  • Insights are accessible to users with access for MRMIMS+ users
  • Accurate dashboard counts correctly display based on the user’s user groups for MRMIMS+ users
  • Users on tablets can read guidance text when its field is at the bottom of a form for MRMIMS+ users
  • Fixed “Do not display empty rows” reports permission to have accurate graphs
  • Demo bar in all demo sites no longer hide save or cancel buttons

v2.5.2.2 24 November 2022


  • Patch for database performance issues with Eastern Caribbean (released to prod as well on November 17 with sandbox deploy for EC only)
  • Querying dashboard flags and user groups
  • Agency logos fetching once instead of multiple times

v2.5.2.1 17 November 2022


  • Implementations who use Primero Identity able to see new log in user-interface for Romania CPIMS+
  • Performance Improvements: optimizing alert queries to prevent loading issues for cases with many referrals

v2.5.2 3 November 2022


  • Updated the log in page for instances with single-sign on
  • Late verification filter with new label and options for MRMIMS+ Users
  • All roles updated based on feedback from MRM team for MRMIMS+ Users
  • Oromiffa, Amharic and Somali translations for CPIMS+ forms for CPIMS+ users including Ethiopia CPIMS+
  • Assessment workflow status, location type options and approvals enabled for any new deployment for CPIMS+ users


  • System administrators can now sort users and lookups lists for all users including Iraq and Trinidad CPIMS+
  • Reporting Location filter (e.g. "District" or "Province" filter) no longer shows multiple of each option for all users including Iraq CPIMS+

v2.5.1 20 October 2022


  • Added Oromo, Somali and Amharic locale
  • Increased attachment/document upload size to 20 MB
  • For MRMIMS+, incidents list now has "Record Owner" and "Agency" filters


  • For MRMIMS+, fixed MRM Violations Exporter
  • For MRMIMS+, All MRM roles have access to the new MRM dashboards
  • For MRMIMS+, "Filter Category" select box from Incidents list no longer appears on Case list for superusers

v2.5.0 29 September 2022


  • Administrators can create reports on the following fields:
    • Caseworker Code (record owner)
    • Created-by user
    • Created-by user groups
    • Owned-by user groups
  • For Digital Public Good Users and in-country hosted infrastructure engineers (Tier 4) only: in version 2.5 we are releasing compatibility with PostgreS 14 but not upgrading to PostgreS 14. We are releasing instructions on Github. In v2.6 we will make PostgreS 14 the default, and will maintain backwards compatibility with PostgreS 10, however Postgres 10 will no longer be supported by PostgreS themselves.
  • For MRMIMS+, updated user interface to v2 for Incident and Violation management
  • For MRMIMS+, divided “Attacks on Schools and Hospitals” into 2 distinct types
  • For MRMIMS+, MRM Violations Insights and enhanced click-throughs for children with multiple violations
  • For MRMIMS+, new Global Horizontal Note (GHN) field, filter and Insight sub-report
  • For MRMIMS+, updated MRMIMS+ Incident and Violations forms based on user feedback
  • For MRMIMS+, MRM Violations export from the MRM Incidents list
  • For MRMIMS+, Incident list filters:
    • Violations-specific filters on the MRM Incidents list.
    • Individual Victim-specific filters on the MRM Incidents list.
    • New Filter Category dropdown for organizing filters on the MRM Incidents list.
    • Added new date filters to the MRM Incidents list
  • For MRMIMS+, Dashboards:
    • Violation Types by Region dashboard
    • Number of Incidents by Perpetrator dashboard
    • Verification Status by Violation Type dashboard


  • Cases with an age of zero no longer appear with a blank age in the Case List
  • Disabled locations no longer appear as available options when users are filling in a location field
  • When clicking back to the records list from a record, previous filters stay applied
  • Able to generate Excel exports in the user’s current language
  • Commas in report labels and/or multiple attributes no longer cause formatting issues when exporting to CSV
  • For CPIMS+, protection concerns filter no longer disappears if one of the “protection concerns” fields is hidden

v2.4.3.2 12 September 2022


  • Spanish translations for CPIMS+ CMTF Forms


  • Mandatory field alerts to only appear after saving a case or incident

v2.4.3 1 September 2022


  • Users can re-try to sync any data that was collected while offline in the Support tab
  • Field Mode turned on for Brazil and Ethiopia to test
  • Create reports based on admin 0 (country-level reporting)


  • IR exporter correctly includes yes and no fields and Incident Recorder ID for GBVIMS+ users
  • GBV Insight filter by the "Date of Incident" field by default for GBVIMS+ users
  • Able to clear information from subforms
  • Able to reorder unique options for dropdown fields within a subform
  • No longer seeing JSON error when unchecking “receive notification emails” checkbox in user profile
  • Users are able to receive a welcome email and password reset email even when they have unchecked “receive notification emails” checkbox
  • Required field indicator appears after saving a subform and not prior to saving
  • Users with email notifications turned on will receive cases assigned to you for CPIMS+ users
  • Arabic application strings updated for CPIMS+ users
  • Nepali calendar updated to Nepali date format for CPIMS+ users
  • Single-sign on from SCI, and users with both upper and lower case emails can log in for CPIMS+ users
  • Configuration Promotion role no longer appearing in External Referral for CPIMS+ users

v2.4.2.3 18 August 2022


  • Nepali calendar dates showing in Nepali format
  • Emails with temporary passwords and removed “.” at the end of the temporary password
  • Radio button value not appearing on the first form to appear

v2.4.2.2 22 July 2022


  • Latest application string translations including Amharic, Oromiffa, Somali, Arabic (Sudan), Bangla, Spanish (Castillian), Spanish (Guatemala), Spanish (Standard), French, Bahasa, Khmer, Kurdish (Badini), Kurdish (Sorani), Nepali, Portuguese (Standard), Swahili (Tanzania) and Thai


  • Emails with temporary passwords and removed “.” at the end of the temporary password
  • Upgraded Rails and Rails HTML Sanitizer dependencies for security purposes

v2.4.2 7 July 2022


  • Disabled and hidden fields no longer treated as “required”
  • Offline case workers can sort by whether or not they are available for offline use
  • Clicking the Cases by Social Worker dashboard now shows cases for the right user
  • Sex/Gender values display properly in the preview modal for search results
  • FTR users can view Tracing Request and Case photos and audio in the comparison modal
  • Agency administrators' reports reflect Cases which have been referred to their users
  • All pages with lists now sort in both ascending and descending order
  • GBVIMS+ Users: Vulnerable Populations Insight now only includes rows for relevant Survivor categories
  • GBVIMS+ Users: Referrals tab of Insight now showing relevant data for the "Referrals to other service providers" sub-report

v2.4.1.1 17 June 2022


  • Record data entry performance improvements
  • Dependency security patches
  • Updated Myanmar translations


  • Romanian and Ukrainian dates render correctly in the record forms
  • Report list
  • Location dashboard crashing for untranslated locations

v2.4.1 17 June 2022


  • MRMIMS+ Users: Insights and Statistical Reporting including Military Use of Schools/Hospitals and Global Horizontal Note (GHN)
  • GBVIMS+ Users: Insights and Statistical Reporting including Case Context, Vulnerable Populations, Incidents for Rape (elapsed time between incident report for Incidents which received services), Referrals
  • MRMIMS+ Users: Fields for children with multiple violations
  • MRMIMS+ Users: Skip logic and field configuration


  • GBVIMS+ Users: Insights and Statistical Reporting including order of sub-reports and rows within sub-reports
  • Tally fields UI
  • Editing date fields with "cannot be in future" validation

v2.4.0 27 May 2022


  • Ability to add a tally field into a form as an administrator
  • Ability to “Mark” a case for offline editing instead of clicking on the case (Note: this feature works per device)
  • GBVIMS+ and MRMIMS+ Users: Insights and Statistical Reporting
  • GBVIMS+ and MRMIMS+ Users: Export for Insights
  • GBVIMS+ and MRMIMS+ Users: Filtering Insights, including default filters where all insights have a set of filters which is applied automatically
  • GBVIMS+ and MRMIMS+ Users: Insight table and graph data are grouped by date ranges which are selected by the user
  • MRMIMS+ Users: Ability to display forms only if a certain field has a certain value
  • MRMIMS+ Users: Ability to create an incident
  • MRMIMS+ Users: Ability to add violations to an incident
  • MRMIMS+ Users: Ability to specify Individual Victims, Perpetrators, Group Victims, Sources, Responses for a violation which also appears under the “Additional Details” form group


  • Configuration of radio buttons in the form editor as an administrator
  • Agency User Administrator users are able to see users in the users list page with the permission “View (Agency Read)”
  • Once you create a case offline, you can navigate to another tab and click back into the case
  • CPIMS+ Users: All dashboard counts for users
  • CPIMS+ Users: Users with the assign-within-group permission are able to assign cases only to users in their own groups
  • CPIMS+ Users: Disabled options in the Response Type lookups should no longer appear in the Workflow Status menu
  • CPIMS+ Users: Duplicate ID export exports cases which have the same value for the National ID field
  • CPIMS+ Users: If you set service provider name as a collapsed field on the services subform, when the service provider logs in, they will see their own username on the collapsed subform
  • CPIMS+ Users: Adding multiple documents in the “Other Documents” form
  • CPIMS+ Users: Arabic user interface icons

v2.3.7 6 May 2022


  • Accepting Transfers
  • Errors on page when matching a case using the “Find Match” functionality
  • Disabled response types, such as the action plan, care plan, will no longer appear in the workflow/status bar

v2.3.3 1 April 2022


  • Translations for Ukrainian, Russian, Slovakian, Romanian, Castilian Spanish and Khmer


  • Security patches and performance improvements

v2.3.2 24 February 2022


  • Managers no longer see errors on the home/dashboard
  • The manager "Overdue Tasks" dashboard no longer shows rows for users with no overdue tasks
  • Subforms with skip logic no longer give the user an error when adding a subform entry
  • Full Name properly calculating for configurations with multiple modules
  • When translating Unique Options in the form editor, it no longer adds new and/or blank options
  • Tracing "Summary" form now appears for implementations without that form manually added to the configuration
  • Hid time for date-time fields in Nepali time picker and set a default time
  • Filtering the User Groups list by Agency no longer gives duplicate results (TSFV)
  • Reason now required for rejecting a transfer (TSFV)
  • Minor hotfix updated Rails

v2.3.0 27 January 2022


  • Able to hide “Tracing Summary” form
  • In MRMIMS+, select fields can be configured to have conditional options
  • In MRMIMS+, new design for adding, viewing, and updating Violations on MRM Incidents
  • In MRMIMS+, users can add, view, and update information on MRM Sources, Perpetrators, and Victims, directly from the Violation slider
  • In MRMIMS+, while editing a Source, Perpetrator, or Victim subform entry, users can associate one or more Violations with that entry
  • In MRMIMS+, Incident Date, Location, and Violation types now appear on the MRM Incidents list
  • In MRMIMS+, some subforms can be configured to be collapsible, letting users either display or hide all subform entries

v2.2.2 14 January 2022


  • Loading configurations now ensures new fields appear in the correct order
  • Nepali calendar and language available on date field


  • Fixed “Invalid JSON” error when creating a case if the Registration date field is included on multiple forms
  • Manager dashboard only includes users within their user group
  • Ability to apply multiple filters on “Users” list
  • Role permission for Tracing Request excel export action
  • The “Traces” subform on Tracing Requests correct displays multi-select options in view mode
  • Date field fixed on Flag modal

v2.2.1 14 December 2021


  • Improvements made on how Primero limits which fields a user can see on a case
  • Skip logic and configuration for skip logic is available on the Survivor Information and Action Plan forms
  • New role permission which allows managers to see the names of cases in the case list view
  • Reason for rejecting a referral or transfer is required
  • Date of Closure field is automatically filled out with the current date when a case is closed
  • Alert for cases with National ID value already taken by another case


  • Ability to create cases for users with view-only access to some forms
  • System Administrators can re-arrange lookup options in lookup editor
  • Date fields on reports are limited for system administrators
  • Password reset email notifications available in multiple languages

v2.2.0 03 December 2021


  • UI improvements to make Primero more accessible including new tooling, hover over buttons, improved contrast and navigations features (see video here)
  • Fixed header and optimized online/offline indicator
  • Form field styling changes and updated colours for users with disabilities (see "TRY" Primero on The Primero Support Hub here)
  • New MRM data workflows, violations list-view, tallying fields (sum of boys, girls and total), forms and roles configuration
  • New permission added to enable an "Activity Log" page on the dashboard which includes when another user accepts a transfer for your case
  • New role permission which allows supervisors to accept or reject a transfer for another user within their team
  • New form configuration which allows case workers who are planning services on their case to specify which linked incident the service addresses
  • Revoking a referral or transfer indicates it is "Revoked" instead of "Done”


  • Prevent users from creating incidents linked to other incidents
  • Responsiveness improvements, including a fixed header and making the language toggle visible on mobile devices and smaller screens
  • Improvements to consistency of font, links, and button formatting

2.1.0 18 October 2021


  • Firefox performance improvements: Improves speed when clicking from Case show page to the Case list, as well as the speed of moving between fields and forms when editing a Case
  • Dependency upgrades: Improved performance and security, Primero's dependency technologies are now supported for a longer lifespan
  • Security enhancements: Tightened protections against denial-of-service attacks
  • "Consent overwritten" attribute on transfers is no longer set to "Yes."

v2.0.8 24 September 2021


  • Add Portuguese locale
  • GBVIMS+ IR report enhancements


  • Improved incident management
  • Fixes for consent notification and consent override
  • Fixes to Arabic application strings (adding missing translations for KPIs, other components)



  • Hidden names not showing in exports
  • Transfer modal no longer asks “Transfer anyway?” if a case has provided consent for services
  • Trace names appearing on Tracing Requests list view
  • Able to search for Tracing Requests by Trace names



  • Added Swahili locale
  • Updated Kurdish and Iraqi Arabic translations
  • Able to create report on protection concerns, services and follow-up subforms
  • Child’s current care arrangement is populated by the most recent care arrangement subform


  • Configuration promotion process: Can send forms, lookups, agencies and roles from demo to production. Please watch this [configuration promotion process video.](
  • Adding new fields to a subform no longer causes record saving issues due to stale validation cache
  • Made labels in Workflow Status report consistent with workflow labels in the rest of the app
  • Resolved issues with "No Activity" filter
  • Fixed some inconsistencies with how administrators report on subforms
  • Disabled agencies no longer appear as options in the Refer and Transfer modals



  • API for managing Webhooks for Cases


  • Assign within agency permission fixed
  • Assessment approval workflow fixed
  • View details modal “display on short form” field setting fixed
  • Able to delete photo and audio files
  • Tracing Summary Form now loads while offline
  • Online/offline notification is working for all users


  • Added Badini Kurdish (ku-IQ), Guatemalan Spanish (es-GT) locales
  • Ansible deploy allows staging arbitrary TLS certificates
  • Stricter validation for admin API POST/PATCH parameters
  • Able to filter and sort by column in the “Settings”
  • Can custom export from subforms
  • Yes and No not included in the IR export for legal action
  • Responsiveness cleanup for new case slider
  • No longer receiving notification email on referral acceptance


  • Once a location is selected in a referral or a transfer, the users list will be filtered by the province or district the user works in
  • API error no longer displaying on sign-in
  • Improvements in case list loading performance for Thailand



  • Change log now showing the right "from" and "to" values
  • Required field messaging fixed for multi-select fields
  • Filtering by location shows results at a nested location (e.g. Filtering for Cases with a Current Location of "Province 1" will show cases with a current location of "Province 1:District 1"



  • Improved API validation, to prevent system outages due to unprocessable data
  • Sorting and new "Enabled / Disabled" filter on lists in the "Settings" section of Primero (i.e. Users, Roles, etc.)
  • Location "Disable" action


  • New cases created offline appear at the top of the case list
  • Sporadic login errors
  • Issues with editing subforms



  • Reporting on specific location levels (e.g. Province, District)
  • Reporting on some subforms (Services, Follow Ups, Protection Concern Details)


  • Sorting by column on the Tasks page
  • Cases randomly reorder in offline mode
  • Some fixes for Arabic text alignment and translation fallback
  • Fixing "Shared from my Team" and "Teams Workflow" dashboards
  • Addressing some issues with configuring subforms and fields with unique options in the subform editor


• 3-server deploy: Primero can be split up physically into application, search, and database servers

• System performance improvements

• Security and performance upgrades: Upgrade to CouchDB, change the Rails server (Passenger replaced with Puma)


• Improvements to FTR: configurable FTR criteria. case to trace matching. Watch our short video here.

• Duplicates reporting. Watch our short video here.

• Refined referrals and transfers: system enforced referral pathways. Watch our short video here.

• Language toggle and support for more than 2 simultaneous languages. Watch our short video here.

• Support for Indonesian, Kurdish

• Support for a high number of locations (Admin 4, 5)

• Improved user, agency management


• Preview case without access to the case. Watch our short video here.

• FTR functionality: match tracing requests to cases. Watch our short video here.

• System-level configurable Matching criteria. Watch the last minute of our short video here.

• Add incident and service provision to the case without full access to the case in one action. Watch our short video here.

• Request transfer of case that isn’t owned by you. Watch our short video here.

• National ID duplicate report. Watch our short video here.

• The ability to make notes by a supervisor on a case they cannot edit

• Configurable UNHCR export. Watch our short video here.

• Audit log exposed to system administrator. Watch our short video here

• Adding support for Bangla, Somali, Thai, Burmese

• Security updates; upgrade to Rails 5


CPIMS+ v1.5 was released on Jan 30 2018

• Compatibility with Primero mobile app v3.0.x

• Required fields on nested subforms

• Workflow status bar improvements, improved dashboards for workflow

• Improved internationalization: Sub-locales and support for Arabic (Lebanon), bug fixes, improved RTL and Arabic rendering

• Scheduled tasks tab

• Configurable case list filters

• Role for agency user administration

• Role improvements for limited national administrator

• Email alerts for approvals, referrals, and transfers

• Incorporating Transifex in the application translation process


• Arabic users and form translations


CPIMS+ v1.4 was released on Sep 21, 2017

GBVIMS+ v1.4 was released on Dec 13, 2018

• Dashboard UI improvements

• New forms

• Arabic translations are available

• Improvements made to the configuration bundle import


GBVIMS+ v1.3 was released on Oct 17, 2018

• Updates made to improve the seed forms and fields
